Chinese Zodiac / Shio Snake Personality
February 04,1905 to 24,1906 Jan.
Jan. 10,1918 23,1917 to Feb.
February 10,1929 to 29,1930 Jan.
Jan. 14,1942 27,1941 to Feb.
Feb. 02,1954 14,1953 to Feb.
Feb. 02,1965 to 20,1966 Jan.
Feb. 18,1977 to Feb. 06,1978
Feb. 06,1989 to Jan 26,1990.
Popular and diplomatically, the snake has a sensual art for deceiving the enemy. This Zodiac has an interesting combination of flavors and a social introvert, intuition and the ability to do business. Snakes are usually very lucky with money and will usually have a maximum life, no matter how he looked at the money; This may be due to the fact that Snakes tend to be careful to use the money. They are more active mentally than physically. Snakes often delaying everything to analyze before entering into everything. They attract and teasers; This Zodiac love to spend all day to read a book and then it's often misconstrued interpret as a Slacker,
Snakes often feel insecure in themselves and tend to be more pencemburu, a possessive lover and can ruin their relationship. The Snake is also known for generous lover, and loved with all my heart. A little dangerous and clever, the philosophy of snakes and intuisinya in general are more controlled than logic in terms of feeling and instinct. The snake will rely by herself before seeking the advice of others. This makes this Zodiac successfully in all business opportunities, carefully and think with much needed to get started.
The Snake is a hard worker (although they did not look like it) and very smart. Snakes have good instincts, so they start something they will succeed. Therefore, colleagues and their employees need to follow the direction of the snake if it doesn't want to deal with him!
In General, the Snake is gentle, generous and fun. Snakes need to learn to be humble and build yourself. So the snake aware trust in themselves, they will be comfortable with herself
The best pair for the Snake is chicken or buffalo.
February 04,1905 to 24,1906 Jan.
Jan. 10,1918 23,1917 to Feb.
February 10,1929 to 29,1930 Jan.
Jan. 14,1942 27,1941 to Feb.
Feb. 02,1954 14,1953 to Feb.
Feb. 02,1965 to 20,1966 Jan.
Feb. 18,1977 to Feb. 06,1978
Feb. 06,1989 to Jan 26,1990.
Popular and diplomatically, the snake has a sensual art for deceiving the enemy. This Zodiac has an interesting combination of flavors and a social introvert, intuition and the ability to do business. Snakes are usually very lucky with money and will usually have a maximum life, no matter how he looked at the money; This may be due to the fact that Snakes tend to be careful to use the money. They are more active mentally than physically. Snakes often delaying everything to analyze before entering into everything. They attract and teasers; This Zodiac love to spend all day to read a book and then it's often misconstrued interpret as a Slacker,
Snakes often feel insecure in themselves and tend to be more pencemburu, a possessive lover and can ruin their relationship. The Snake is also known for generous lover, and loved with all my heart. A little dangerous and clever, the philosophy of snakes and intuisinya in general are more controlled than logic in terms of feeling and instinct. The snake will rely by herself before seeking the advice of others. This makes this Zodiac successfully in all business opportunities, carefully and think with much needed to get started.
The Snake is a hard worker (although they did not look like it) and very smart. Snakes have good instincts, so they start something they will succeed. Therefore, colleagues and their employees need to follow the direction of the snake if it doesn't want to deal with him!
In General, the Snake is gentle, generous and fun. Snakes need to learn to be humble and build yourself. So the snake aware trust in themselves, they will be comfortable with herself
The best pair for the Snake is chicken or buffalo.
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